Shipping Policy

We are proud to offer FREE Shipping on all orders.

After placing your order you will receive a confirmation email detailing the ordered items and your shipping information. Please double-check shipping information and contact us promptly in case of mistakes. If you didn't receive the confirmation email within 24 hours, please check your spam folder.

All orders will be dispatched from warehouse within 1-4 business days (Monday-Saturday).

The delivery time is 3-8 business days (Monday-Saturday).

          Delivery can take longer during peak periods. While we do all we can to ensure your order is delivered on time, we cannot be held responsible for any late delivery or failure to deliver due to circumstances beyond our control.

          If you have any trouble tracking your parcel, please email We will be happy to help you!

          We take every reasonable precaution to ensure that products are not damaged. If your order has been damaged during transit, please get in touch with us promptly, by sending us a picture.

          If possible, please record any issue concerning the delivery (damaged/soaked package, torn/bent products...) to the carrier when you receive your order.